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Running, Reading + Recharge | January Recap

Truly, it’s so hard to believe that we are one month in to 2018! I’m proud to report that my new year's resolution is still going strong. Oh, what is it? you ask? At home, I’m skipping adding the sugar to my coffee. Yes, life may be slightly less enjoyable, but my milk frothier makes it all the better!

I thought it would be fun to do a mostly personal recap for the month. Work wise, there has been a bit of brainstorming going on behind the scenes along with a few portrait sessions in the snow and special projects but more on all that another day!

Home and Friends:

Since it’s the “off-season” for me, I was able to go out with friends a few times more than usual for coffee dates, guac and margs! I am so blessed with beautifully dear friends, near and far, and I am ever so grateful for them speaking wisdom and love, encouraging me in my crazy, sharing many laughs. I also had the opportunity to trade places and model for a few photos in a project with my friend Erica at Silver Immersion, Nicole Manley Makeup and India Jackson Artistry

At home, Kyle and I are working on rearranging our apartment to make it more warm and welcoming. Kyle spent many weekends in 2017 working on a “She-Shed” office space and our living space was overrun with storage boxes. It’s a slow process and I wouldn’t say I’m the best homemaker, but it’s a work in progress!

Bridge over Jonas Green State Park, Annapolis, MD


I ran 94.35 miles in January. I’m not certain but I think that’s the most I’ve ever logged in a month. I’m currently training for my first marathon (April 8th baby!).

Yes, I still feel like my running tights are still really just sausage casings.

Yes, the scale is STILL a B****

Yes, there are parts of me that are constantly scabbed because running that many miles inevitably means rubbing and chafing regardless of all the bodyglide and vaseline.

Yes, I’m slow and sore.

Yes, after a long run most runs, I still feel like I just died.

So, WHY do I run?

I run for the endorphins

I run for my mind

I run for my body

I run to get outside because otherwise, I’d probably be sitting in front of my computer all day.

I run because the day-after-working-a-wedding-hangover is real (and no, that’s not alcohol related silly, I’m working!) and I’ve got to be strong!

I run to teach myself that being uncomfortable is sometimes okay.

I run to prove to myself that I CAN DO IT.

You might find this Mile By Mile recap from one of my runs entertaining:

  • Mile 1 - Okay Katherine, just be present in the run where you are at instead of thinking about alllll the miles ahead.

  • Mile 2 - Oh hey Christie! Fancy meeting you here! *gabs her ear off for a few miles until she turns back to her route*.

  • Mile 3-4ish - okay, back to getting into a rhythm. Eat a few jelly beans.

  • Mile 5 - oh, I can get water at the ranger statio-crap, they are turned off! (Ducks inside the bathroom and drinks from the sink).

  • Mile 6 - halfway! Time to turn around. Why do I always immediately feel sluggish once I turn around?

  • Mile 7 - More Bathroom Water. Ooh, Puppies! Hi Puppies!!

  • Mile 8 - Despacitooooo 🎶

  • Mile 9 - Ouch, my hips are starting to ache and where have all the puppies gone!?

  • Mile 10 - 🎶 “ But, I’m weakkk, and what’s wrong with that!?”🎶 *Giggles to self* You’re not WEAK! You just ran 10 miles! Yeah, sure, you have two more to go and your legs want to fall off but...

  • Mile 11 - Just focus, you got this. Yes your pace is slowing, but it’s about finishing not racing. Also, I love saying hi to people as I run, but they could literally be cursing me out after 😅 and I have no idea because music!

  • Mile 11.5 - Everything is starting to tingle.

  • Mile 11.75 -*walks* no don’t walk! You just did 47 quarter miles and just have one left! *hobbles along*

  • Mile 12 - Yay! I dids it! Also OUCH. Also - Freaking Proud.


I set myself a personal goal to go through 100 books in 2018. I say “go through” rather than read because audiobooks are my jam and the primary way I “read” books. I listened to 15 audio books this month! (If you’d love to connect with you over on GoodReads if you want to checkout more of what I’m currently reading)!

Speaking of which, have you ever heard of the Overdrive app? Basically you can listen to audiobooks (or read e-books) for free, legally, with your county library card! There are a few similar apps as well that I’ve heard of: Hoopla and RBDigital but I’m sure there are others.

Here are a few of my favorites from this months assortment:

  • Change Your Brain, Change Your Life - A book about the science related to the relationship between brain and mental health disorders (Anxiety, Depression, Obsessiveness, Anger, and Impulsiveness) with strategies to conquer many of these disorders.

  • The Running Dream - This book gave me all the feels. More than just Jessica’s journey to “recovery” after her foot is amputated it’s the journey of hope and seeing people who can otherwise seem invisible.

  • Lone Survivor - SO MUCH BETTER than the movie! Listening to this in audiobook form was perfect because, although the subject matter is serious and heartbreaking, the writer’s humour and personality really came to life and made it so much easier to absorb.

  • E-Myth Revisited - A great book for entrepreneurs! Definitely one I need to re-visit and implement.

This has been a pretty long post already, so I’ll end it there! I’d love to hear if you have any good book recommendations, marathon training tips, and whether you’d like to read more personal updates in the future!

P.S. Even when I'm all dolled up I make this face!


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